Beyond Covid19 Part 4: Optimized Implementation

In recent months, more is being written about a few positive impacts of Covid19, one of which is how it served as a catalyst for innovation.  Out of necessity, organizations had to find new and different ways to meet customer needs.  These changes could be thought of as mini innovations, and now that things are beginning to return to pre-Covid19 conditions, at least in some ways, these mini innovations are being reconsidered.  Should they continue and be hardwired into the post Covid19 reality?  Or not?

In addition, many organizations are finding out that customer needs and preferences have also changed, making some products or services in the Pre-Covid19 portfolio less relevant, while creating interest in some new ones (see Parts 1 – 3 in this Blog Series).

Now What?  Whether you have identified the need to now fully implement a new process, product, or service (an innovation) developed during Covid19, or launch an entirely new idea emerging from your efforts to level set as described in the earlier blogs in this 4-part series, you are now at the point of implementation.  How can you make sure implementation will go as smoothly as possible and help this innovation live up to expectations?

The Path to Better Implementation  Fortunately, there are some great tools to help you plan and execute the implementation.  One of them is called a Process Decision Program Chart (PDPC).  The PDPC provides a systematic framework to error-proof an implementation.  First, each problem that may occur or be encountered is identified.  Then each potential problem is linked to one or more undesirable effects.  Countermeasures are then designed to nullify or preempt the effect, or in some cases, prevent the problem from occurring.  Once complete, the PDPC can indicate where implementation plan revisions are needed, or enable the best response when a problem occurs.

Making it Work  When you decide to introduce an innovation in process, product, or service, whether related to Covid19 or not, be sure to make the most of the opportunity by optimizing the implementation.  I can help you leverage PDPC and other implementation tools to ensure your innovation gets off to the best possible start.

To recap the key points of this blog series:

1. Take time for a Customer Knowledge Reset and see how (not if) your customer needs have changed.

2. Conduct a Portfolio Audit to see if your services still match customer needs.

3. Identify the innovation(s) needed to meet new or changed customer needs.

4. Optimize your implementation to better ensure the success of the innovation(s).

It all reminds me of that old insight often shared about the Chinese word for Crisis being composed of the both “danger” and “opportunity” (or change point).   Covid19 was certainly a major crisis for most organizations and work groups, maybe your own.  However, as we begin to emerge from some of the most dangerous periods, let’s seize the opportunities that may have come with it.


Beyond Covid19 Part 3: Innovation

Major events such as Covid19 sometimes result in new customer needs. However, even in the absence of these events, some organizations look for ways to move beyond customer expectations and requests to what would truly delight customers.  This effort to move up Kano’s Pyramid of customer needs is an ongoing pursuit, because what excited or delighted the customer yesterday will be more commonly requested today and then expected by tomorrow.

Creating a Breakthrough  These two motivations, responding to new, major event-driven needs or pursuing an internally driven strategy to differentiate through the next big breakthrough, share something in common: finding a way to do what has previously not been done.  That is the essence of Innovation.  While Innovation has gotten some additional attention in the wake of Covid19, it has been a popular strategy among many organizations for about 20 years.  As a result, it has been studied, written about, and leveraged to an increasing degree.

Navigating through Covid19, what has been learned about innovation is not only timely, but reaffirmed and fine-tuned.  If an analysis of your services or products portfolio (see last blog) resulted in identifying the need for one or more new offerings, be sure to leverage the lessons of innovation in expediting and also guaranteeing the success of what you need to create.

Innovating is not the same as Being Innovative  Two key points are worth mentioning here:

  1. Don’t confuse the need to innovate once or twice with becoming an Innovative organization. The former is not that difficult to do, while the latter is a much more difficult endeavor, one that will require more resources and has significant organizational, cultural, and financial ramifications for your organization or work group. If interested, I can help you understand and / or manage either.
  2. If you are part of a network, association, or multi-entity system or conglomerate, there is an underutilized improvement methodology that can make innovating a new product or service faster and easier. The process of Benchmarking leverages knowledge regarding the same or even similar products or services of others. Using this tool, you learn key constructs, design principles, enablers, barriers, and resource requirements to expedite the design of your own innovation.  Think Benchmarking might work for you?  I can help guide you through the process.

The Answer is Out There   If you need to innovate to create one or more new services or products, regardless of whether it is response to Covid19 or to further differentiate from the competition, Benchmarking may put you on the glide path to making it a reality.  Being part of a network or system gives you the added advantage of tapping other organizations with a common interest in your search for a usable model.  But even if you are not part of such a collective, Benchmarking can still be accomplished.  In fact, those who have used the method the longest find that they learn the most from organizations less similar to their own.  That may be counter-intuitive, but what are the odds you will learn something really new and different from organizations exactly like your own. And more importantly, being willing to learn from organizations of any type and size opens you up to a much larger universe of Benchmarking partners.  There is a saying I like to use in promoting the use of Benchmarking: “A better idea already just need to find it.”

Let me know if I can help you quickly find an organization that has already put in place what you are trying to create (or at least something very similar).


Beyond Covid19 Part 2: Portfolio Audit

Do you have the right services?

Coming out of a significant change event is a great time to reassess the various services you provide, especially if you find that your customer’s needs and interests have changed, as discussed in my previous blog.  Even if you are part of a team that provides services to internal customers within your own organization (sometimes referred to as back-office functions), the needs of those client-facing groups may have also changed as they try to adjust and adapt to the changing needs of those they serve, the external or “ultimate” customer.

Gain Perspective with The Portfolio View  A great tool used by for-profits for years is the portfolio analysis. However, non-profits and even departments within an organization serving internal customers can gain insights with slightly modified versions of a Portfolio Analysis.  Originating as the Portfolio Matrix in the 1970s and widely attributed to the Boston Consulting Group, the tool provides a structured method for organizations to comparatively assess the products or services in their portfolio.  It resembles a scatter plot where the x and y axis are used to help plot how each product or services is currently performing based on two variables.  Among for-profits, these two variables are usually projected market growth and market share, however not-for-profits might use increasing / decreasing need (perhaps drawing on a recent Community Needs Assessment), and availability / unavailability of other sources of the service.

The area of the Scatter plot is then divided into quadrants, with each product or service falling in one of these quadrants based on the scores.  Each quadrant has different strategic implications.  For example, if a service has increasing need in the community (plotting “high” on the vertical axis), and there are no alternatives (plotting far to the right on the horizontal axis), it is positioned in the upper right quadrant, where continued high investment will contribute significantly toward fulfilling the organization’s mission.   You can view a more detailed description and illustration on my web site.

The Importance of Balance  Major changes or events, such as the pandemic, often result in a temporary, and sometimes permanent, shift in customer needs and interests, which may provide a solid rationale for repositioning one or more services in a different quadrant.  You may even discover new customer needs that could be added in one of the quadrants representing emerging and / or growing service opportunities.  As you work with a Portfolio Analysis, you might be tempted into thinking that the end game is to be heavily concentrated in that high demand / sole provider quadrant.  Strategically, though, long-term sustainability of your organizations or groups is best achieved when there are services in all four quadrants.  It may help to think of product and services as having an innate life cycle, beginning with discovery, then growth, then maturity, and finally decline.  Having all of your services in the same life cycle stage (or Portfolio quadrant) at once, no matter what stage that is, can have very undesirable effects now or in the near future.

Do you need help is assessing your portfolio against changing customer needs?  Do you need ideas on how to “re-balance” your portfolio?  Contact me at your convenience.


Beyond Covid19 Part 1: Customer Knowledge Reset

Have your customer’s needs and preferences changed...for good?

For many organizations, the effects of Covid19 on their customers would be hard to overstate.  The scale, impact, and length of the pandemic places it in some rare company among historical crises.  These kinds of events require tremendous human fortitude coupled with a lot of improvising on the part of providers of products and services.  All the while, customers are re-prioritizing needs and reassessing what is truly important to them.

This creates the perfect storm for innovation as providers and suppliers seek new ways to respond to those changing needs and interests.  And underneath it all, customer Key Quality Characteristics (KQCs), that short, rank-ordered list of qualities that is the basis for selecting one provider over another, has changed, at least in part.  And, it and will probably not return to what it used to be.

What do your customers value most?  Your unique value proposition must be based on a current understanding of those Key Quality Characteristics.  If it isn’t, you will be trying to earn your customer’s trust and loyalty while focusing on the wrong things.  Furthermore, your most commonly deployed listening post, surveys, may no longer be asking the right questions.

It may be time to deploy another listening post that is perfectly designed to probe KQCs with your customers: focus groups.  Structured interviews can also help.  Both can inform an update of your current satisfaction survey(s), where you would then be asking the right questions and gaining valuable feedback on new emerging needs and interests.

If you want help understanding how these, and other, Listening Posts can work together and give you fresh insight into your customer’s KQCs, I have a Listening Post Guide that provides more details.

Beyond your immediate customers.   If you think it might be time to update your customer knowledge, it may also be an opportune time to go further and reassess community need in general.  Many health and human service organizations now conduct periodic Community Needs Assessments (CNA).  Yours may be among them.  These assessments combine fresh customer feedback with other community / market information including demographics, socioeconomic factors, regulatory and legislative changes, and an inventory of relevant resources. In addition to customer expectations, what else has changed in your marketplace?  In most communities, Covid19 has also brought about changes in funding, regulations, competition, potential partners, and demographics, to name a few.  A Community Needs Assessment provides a more comprehensive understanding of current needs and priorities, and how they may have changed as a result of Covid19 and other events or issues.

If you would like some help preparing a new CNA, or just some ideas on how to improve on previous efforts, I have a White Paper on CNAs that may be helpful.

This is one of those critical times of change, for your customers, and your community or market.  Understanding what has changed is the first step in preparing to respond in ways that will be valued the most.  Call me if I can help.


When Wrong is Better than Half Right

A fundamental tenant of continuous quality improvement (CQI) methodology is the Shewhart or “PDCA” cycle developed by Walter Shewhart.  The four consecutive phases in the model are:

  • Plan: Recognize an opportunity and plan a change.
  • Do: Test the change. Carry out a small-scale study.
  • Check: Review the test, analyze the results, and identify what you’ve learned.
  • Act: Take action based on what you learned in the check step.

Beyond Process: PDCA is a sequential methodology for testing and evaluating individual process changes or improvements, with applicability in other disciplines including working with Tactics in Strategic Planning.  Strategic Plans, really, are all about change...developing and implementing changes that will help transform your organization or service line from the current state to a desired future state as embodied in a Vision Statement or Goals (or both).  The Shewhart Cycle provides a simple, logical framework for implementing and evaluating individual Strategies and Tactics, helping us decide which ones to keep, and which ones to either modify or abandon.

Measurement in Planning: Successful Strategic Planning requires us to stay fixated on the desired future state, but somewhat flexible on the Tactics.  And it turns out, measurement is critical for both.  With a viable set of Vision / Goal measures, you’ll know if you’re progressing toward the desired future state, making it easier to stay fixated on it.  But which tactics are helping you get there?

That’s where PDCA comes in.  Treat each Tactic like a discrete mini improvement effort.  Be sure to assign one or more simple but meaningful success measures to each one.  Then, use an Action Plan or similar template to Plan and Do each Tactic.  Don’t stop there, however, or you will only be half right.  You need the rest of PDCA to know which Tactics are helping and which are not.  Use Check to examine the measures and assess both what happened in the Do stage and what the impact was.  Then Act...your response can be based on the results of this analysis (see sidebar).

Getting the Most Out of Tactics: PDCA gives us a framework for implementing and evaluating each Tactic...and you will need it repeatedly throughout the life of your Plan, because both the marketplace you serve and the economic sector in which you participate are always changing.  As they evolve, some of your Tactics may become irrelevant.  Meanwhile, you may need to add new Tactics in response to new developments or innovations.

Some Tactics may turn out to be less effective than originally thought when your Plan was developed, or fail altogether, and PDCA provides a disciplined approach for learning why.  In process improvement, this allows us to build all kinds of knowledge, including types of changes that work and types that don’t, and critical implementation success factors germane to your service or product portfolio.  The same is true with Tactics evaluation.

Flexibility and Learning with PDCA: It is much easier to achieve Tactical level flexibility and learn from Tactics that fail if you treat each Tactic as an experiment using PDCA.  However, you need to be more than half right in applying it.  If you only Plan and Do each Tactic, you won’t know which ones are helping achieve the desired future state (and should be kept), and which ones are a waste of valuable resources.

So then, in working with change, you are better off being wrong than being half right.  That is to say, you are better off using the whole PDCA cycle and having been wrong about a Tactic (or a process change), and learning from it, than you are if you only Plan and Do Tactics.

Complete the Cycle...and Learn:  I had a professor in graduate school who was often presented with an alternative or new idea by a student (including me), and asked, “So, do you think this would be better?”  He would always reply with a smile, “Try it and see.”  Notice he didn’t just say “Try it.”  Hi wisdom lives on!

If you need help with Tactics, leveraging measures, or learning from failures, in Strategic Planning or any other aspect of management, contact me at your convenience.


Summer is (still) the Best Time to Prepare for Planning

For most organizations, summer is the best time to prepare for Strategic Planning.  However, with everything going on these days, you might be wondering if that is still the case.  Here are two good reasons, one traditional, one more unique to this year, that you should prepare now for great planning in the fall.

  1. 1. Organizational Timing: Most organizations have fiscal years that end in December or June, and it is very helpful if strategic planning is timed to occur in step with the fiscal year. That way, the funds needed to implement tactics over the lifespan of the Plan can be built into yearly budgets.  That makes the fall through early winter the ideal time for work sessions focused on developing a new multi-year plan or preparing an annual update.  And backing up a little further, that means summer is a great time to accomplish the work that will make those sessions as productive as possible.  That includes the research, data gathering, and information analysis comprising the industry, market, and organizational assessments.
  2. 2. Adjusting for New Developments: But what about when major events such as Covid19, Social Justice, or a big Stock Market decline, impact the communities you serve and your organization? These events are often the impetus for changing customer needs and expectations, as well as a sudden flourish of innovation as many organizations rush to respond to those changing customer needs and prepare for a “new normal”.  From that perspective, this is a critical time to be in contact with your customers and stakeholders, and to learn what you can about the innovation occurring both within and beyond your industry.

Right Sizing the Effort: The good news is that these summer preparations can be customized to fit with your organization’s unique Strategic Planning needs.  Here are three general scenarios and how you can use these summer months most effectively:

  1. 1. New Plan. If you have not created a Strategic Plan before, or a new one is long overdue, preparing for the actual planning work sessions is critically important. The depth and scope of the three assessments mentioned earlier strongly relates to the quality and insight of the desired future state...the vision or the heart of your new plan. Organizations in this scenario may benefit the most from working with a consultant this summer, one who can help you prepare an affordable research plan and to whom you can outsource much of the assessment work, especially if your resources are already stretched thin.
  2. 2. Scheduled Update. If this is an “update” year for a recently developed Strategic Plan, and that update is scheduled for this fall or winter, now is a great time to refresh your assessments and stay on course for that update. Postponing the update at a time when so many things are in flux may mean you fall behind important shifts in your market and industry.  An outside consultant can help you plan where to target efforts to refresh your assessments and get the most out of limited resources and time.
  3. 3. Business as Usual? If you do not need a new Strategic Plan and there is no “update” looming in the next 6 – 9 months, you may have the least amount to do this summer of any of these three scenarios. However, the number and magnitude of recent events may still warrant a limited and targeted amount of research including customer needs feedback, strategy affirmation / adjustment input from stakeholders, and identification of emerging new / best practices relevant to your current strategies.  Pressed for time?  Outsourcing this limited, but important, research may be the answer.

For most organizations, the summer months are the best time to prepare for great Strategic Planning, maybe even more so this year.  And another emerging trend, the increasing comfort level of people working remotely, can make this work easier and more affordable than ever.

I hope you have a chance to really enjoy these summer months, safely of course.  If I can be of any help with your planning needs, contact me at your earliest convenience.


The Supply Chain in Exemplary Service

Front Line Heroes: During unanticipated events such as the current Virus Outbreak, those working directly with customers face even more stress and challenging circumstances than usual.  We are inspired by how they rise to the occasion with patience, creativity, and extraordinary efforts, earning our admiration and thanks.  Their abilities to meet the challenge are often fueled by their experience with, and knowledge of, their customer’s needs, but also their finely tuned listening skills, which are invaluable as customer needs change.

Behind the Scenes Support: While the front line staff are earning the admiration of your external customers (and you), there are other staff helping make that possible.  Indeed, most front line staff that I have had the opportunity to work with readily cite the importance of the support they receive both routinely, and during unforeseen events, from internal work groups or departments.  Those internal team members may not be considered “customer facing” with regard to your external or ultimate customer.  However, their efforts to meet, surpass, and even anticipate the needs of their immediate customer, the front line staff, can make a big difference in the experience of your external or ultimate customer.

Confused by all this “customer” the jargon?  See the side bar at right for the different types of customers in play at most organizations. 

Another Valuable “Voice”:  In fact, the producing group or department may only have internal customers.  They may have little or no direct contact with the more commonly thought of external customers of the organization.  However, just like a department that deals directly with external customers, these internal departments should develop a series of listening posts to have current knowledge of, and to even be able to anticipate, the needs of their internal customers.  Even better, these internal departments can combine knowledge of internal and external customer needs to clarify process and output relationships and to understand their own role in the value stream.

Different Roles, Same Goal: If these internal groups or departments did not support their customer departments well, those departments would be seriously hampered in their efforts to meet and exceed the expectations of the external customers.  Think about the critical role of human resources talent development in building the skills and abilities of all staff to deliver great customer service.  Or, consider the importance of information services in providing the reports and data used by the workforce for daily operations and needed by management to make decisions.

Both front-line staff and those supporting them behind the scenes benefit from ongoing customer feedback.  This feedback can serve a variety of purposes including assessing the impact of process improvements to detecting problems in service delivery.  But customer feedback is also critical in special or unique situations, including unforeseen events.  Used this way, it can help identify how customer needs or expectations may be changing.  Whether it is routine satisfaction ratings or feedback related to an unforeseen event, there are a variety of “Listening Posts” that can be used to obtain the desired information.  The best one depends on what you are trying to learn.

Chain Reaction: When each work group or team tunes in to their respective customer’s feedback and needs, the end result is a great service experience for your traditional, ultimate customers.  So the next time you learn about, or even personally have, a great (or disappointing) customer experience, look beyond the “front line” employees.  I’ll bet one or more internal groups deserve some of the credit (or blame), and it probably has to do with how well they listen to the voice of their internal customers.

If you would like help mapping out your various customers and their respective relationships, or implementing effective listening posts for any of them, contact me at our convenience.


A Communication Plan can help you manage change.

Dealing with Change?  Rethink Communication.  When unanticipated events occur, good or bad, very little else seems as important as communication.  Communication is vital to managing through these changes that happen to us, as we gather and disseminate information, create focus and organization out of chaos, align resources, and so much more.  Communication is also vital in all types of Plans such as Strategic Planning, Business Plans, and Contingency Plans.  At their core, these Plans are also about change, change that we are initiating, playing critical roles in preparation, engagement, and execution.  So, whether you are responding to unanticipated change or initiating changes of your own, there is a need to effectively communicate to all stakeholders.  When this is done well, things go more smoothly.  Shortchange the communication, and inevitably it will cost you engagement, time, and progress.

Plan the Communication  I once worked in the Planning Department of a large organization.  The Marketing Team was responsible for communicating all new initiatives and major organizational changes to the workforce.  I was impressed with how well this was done on a consistent basis, so one day at lunch, I asked a colleague in that Department how they did it.  They answered that they always used a Communication Plan and they showed me their template.  A Communication Plan provides you with an organized framework for thinking through who needs to know what, when and how they need to know it, and most importantly (and often overlooked), why you want them to know it and what you want them to do with that knowledge.

Role is the Key  This last part is key. We tend to think communications is all about the message and the medium (channels used to deliver the message).  But the best communication efforts have their origins “upstream” in careful thinking about the role you want each stakeholder group to assume in your change effort.  What you want each stakeholder to do in responding to the event or implementing the Plan?  Do they need to take on different responsibilities or advocate for the change?  Do they need to lend support in the form of resources, expertise or time?  Or do they just need to be informed?  The role you want each stakeholder to play in the process is best achieved through different kinds of messaging and channels.

Use a Template  Since that lunch conversation with my colleague in the Marketing Department, I have used a similar template in many projects and client engagements, always with great success.  If you are in a larger organization, check with the Marketing/Communications Manager or team; chances are they may already have a Communication Plan template that they would share with you.  You are also welcome to use mine.  Just drop me a quick e-mail ( and I will send it to you.  I would also be glad to talk you though it if needed.

Not a Task but a Tool  Next time you are preparing an important communication related to the present or a future unanticipated event, or preparing to implement a Plan, try using a Communication Plan.  It can help you go way beyond sharing information.

If you need help with preparing a Communication Plan or any other aspect of Plan implementation, contact me at your convenience.


Critical Work in Chaotic Times

When major unanticipated events occur, they often force us to re-prioritize, if only for the time being.  For example, within the broad subject areas of data analysis, planning, and organizational performance, there may be some activities that are postponed until things become less chaotic.  However, unforeseen events may also heighten the importance of other activities, even within those same three broad subject areas mentioned above.  Here are some examples of the kinds of analysis, planning, and organizational performance work that may be more important than ever for your team or in your organization during, and immediately after, an unforeseen event.

  • Customer Feedback: How well did your team or organization meet the needs of your customers (external or internal) during the event? Have the improvising and innovation that often come with unforeseen events changed your customers’ expectations?  It may be more important than ever to listen to the Voice of the Customer through surveys, interviews (phone), or focus groups (virtual).
  • Organizational Dashboard Development: The improvising and innovation associated with unforeseen events often leads to process changes and new and different outcomes. It may be time to re-assess your organization’s Balanced Score Card or Dashboard(s).  Are different targets warranted?  Are there new metrics that should be added?
  • Research and Benchmarking: What are the success stories relevant to your portfolio and core processes that are emerging from the unforeseen event? What can you learn from how some organizations responded quickly and successfully, and how could you adapt what you learn to your own organization or team’s work?
  • Portfolio Analysis: Most organizations and teams have products and services at various stages of development and success. Understanding the composition of this “portfolio” before the unforeseen event, and projecting how it might look afterward, helps with assessing the true impact of the event and also with planning for organizational change that may be required afterward.
  • Business Plans and Feasibility Studies: The changes brought about by an unforeseen event, both external to the organization as well as internal, sometimes are the inspiration for a major change in a core process or even a new service or product idea. This is the best time to prepare a Business Plan, or at least develop the idea further with a more expeditious and less resource-intensive Feasibility Study.
  • Innovation: A common thread through many of these disciplines is the innovation that comes in response to an unforeseen event. The change in circumstances requires a fundamental shift in thinking and a different way of meeting rapidly evolving needs.  What is your organization or team’s level of innovation capability?  As it increases, you not only elevate your competitive advantage, but also your ability to respond optimally when the next unforeseen event occurs.
  • Change Readiness Assessments & Change Management: Responding to an unforeseen event, and adjusting to the new norm that often follows, require change in your organization. Some organizations and teams handle change better than others, partly because they are more prepared, having learned and practiced the concepts and tools related to change management.  Taking stock of your change management competency, and enhancing it with education and practice if warranted, will better position you for the next major unforeseen event.

If any of this work seems timely in your organization, you are not alone.  And, if you are short on people power to get any of this done due to re-prioritization or temporary staff reductions, I can help, and at a manageable cost.  Contact me at your convenience...and stay well.


You need BOTH KINDS of Change to make a good Plan.

It's all about Change.  Isn't it?  The word “change”, by itself, can trigger a variety of immediate emotions in people, and not all of them are pleasant. This seems to be the case more than ever in today’s world. And you have probably heard it said that “people don’t like change” or “it is hard for people to change.” That may be true in many cases, but there are also many inspiring stories of people that intentionally changed some aspect of their life with wonderful results. So it seems there are really two types of change: the ones that happen to us (or around us) and the ones we initiate ourselves.

Change in Organizations   If this concept of two types of change is ringing true in your personal life, it may also be familiar in your organization. There is no shortage of management literature devoted to the topic of to anticipate it, understand it, embrace it, manage it, successfully execute it, and more! Change is relevant to many aspects of organizational life, and in one particular aspect, Strategic Planning, it can be a key to the best possible outcomes.

Change in Planning  The heart of a Strategic Plan is the Desired Future State...where we want to end up at the end of the Plan’s timeframe. This is usually expressed in the form of a Vision Statement or a set of Goals. In order to develop a Desired Future State that is both compelling and achievable, the Plan development process needs to begin with two kinds of assessments. The first is an assessment of the relevant industry or economic sector for your organization. There are great sources for learning about the current issues in your industry, and also the trends and best practices (i.e. changes) that are emerging in response to the issues. These issues, trends, and best practices can be summarized and comprise one of several forms of vision input for consideration by the team working to develop the new Strategic Plan.

From Reaction to Anticipation  The second kind of assessment examines the market place in which you compete or deliver services. This market may or may not be tied to a specific geography, but it is usually tied to a specific sector of consumers or individuals who need and benefit from the products or services you provide. The market for your service may even be internal to your organization if you provide support services for one or more other functional areas. The more you can define your market and learn about the current and evolving needs and expectations of people in that market, the better you will be able to craft a vision or goals that will deliver on those needs and expectations. With the right kind of research and input, you can even anticipate how the needs and expectations will most likely evolve over time. The highlights of all of this knowledge can similarly be assembled for review and consideration by the Planning Team.

Finding the Gaps  With the Desired Future State determined, a third assessment, an Organizational Assessment, is used to help understand where the organization or work group is today. This usually entails a review of key performance measures from dashboards or scorecards, as well as feedback from a host of different types of internal and external stakeholders. Other tools like a SWOT Analysis can also help to develop the Organizational Assessment. Once complete, the Planning Team can compare the Organizational Assessment (current state) to the Vision or Goals (desired future state) to identify the gaps between the two and begin identifying how best to address the gaps.

Making Change  This is where the other type of change, the kind we initiate, plays a critical role. There are a number of tools to help with this, but all the ideas that emerge are the seeds of changes that the organization must initiate to achieve the transition to the Desired Future State. Sometimes referred to as Strategies (themes) and Tactics (specific action items), this second type of change is actually the core of implementing the Strategic Plan.

Change for the Better  When your organization or team recognizes, and even anticipates, changes that can impact them (the changes around us), and uses that knowledge, in turn, to change what they do and how they do it (the changes they initiate), change becomes an ally (Industry and Market Assessments) and a tool (strategies, tactics). It is no longer something to fear and simply react to any way we can. It is a key part of how we create change for the better.

If you want to change the way your organization looks at change, and make the planning process something that makes people smile, contact me at your convenience.
