Goals & Objectives

Goals and Objectives are used by many organizations to identify a desired future state (Goals), and incremental milestones that will be necessary to achieve along the way (Objectives). Sounds pretty straightforward, but given that Goals are essentially defining where you want to go or what you want to achieve, poorly developed or sub-optimal goals can be costly. So how do you ensure that your Goals are the best possible? Many people subscribe to the formula of SMART goals: Goals should be Specific, Measureable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely. These are good guidelines, but there are more, including managing the number of Goals being pursued at any one time. While I have seen quite a few organizations stall or fail from pursuing too many goals, I have yet to see one fail from avid pursuit of too few (assuming they had at least one). Relatedly, it is important to assess and match your organization’s capacity for change. Having the right number of SMART Goals may be as important as the focus of Goals themselves.